Hot-Wire Systems

Hot-Wire Probes
- HWP 10/00
- HWP 10/90
- HWP 10/45
- HWP 10/90G
Hot-Wire Probes

Hot-wire measuring techniques are particularly suitable for anemometry of low flow velocities and highly dynamic airflows. The probes are calibrated for air speeds of 0.1 to 50 m/s before delivery. Hot-wire probes can also be operated as resistance thermometers with a very short response time using special electronics (CCT).
The Single-Channel-System without data acquisition consists of a hot-wire probe and the hot-wire bridge aCTA.
Two devices are available for data acquisition:
With 14bit resolution and eight channels, the sDAQ is a cost-effective introduction to flow measurement technology. A hot-wire bridge, two pressure sensors and a PT100 temperature sensor can be connected. In addition, three more analogue inputs are available. Click here for more information.
The 4CTA system can be equipped with 16 or 32 measuring channels with a resolution of 16 bit. Up to four hot-wire bridges can be connected. We can adapt the type and number of additional measuring channels to your requirements. Click here for more information.